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How Much Coverage Do I Really Need?

When it comes to determining what type of auto insurance you need, you may not understand the coverages that are available to you. At Baker & Carey Insurance Agency, we are here to help you get the best policy available for your needs. Today, we are going to look at how much coverage you really need when it comes to auto insurance.

How Much Coverage Do I Really Need?

If You Are Driving

If you will be driving, you will at the very least need liability coverage as this is required by law. Liability will consist of two different types of coverage: bodily injury & property damage.

Bodily Injury - This type of coverage handles medical costs in the event that you cause an accident, and other people get hurt.

Property Damage - This type of coverage will cover the cost of damage to other’s people’s property when you cause an accident. This can be their car, fence, etc.

If You Can’t Afford To Repair Or Replace Your Car On Your Own

If you are wanting protection that will help cover the cost of repairs or replacement of your vehicle in the event of an accident, you will want collision and comprehensive coverages.

Collision - This type of coverage covers damage to your car, no matter whose fault the accident is.

Comprehensive - This type of coverage will cover damage to your car caused by anything other than an accident. This includes items such as hail, fire, flood, vandalism, and even animal damages.

If You Will Need Help Paying Medical Expenses In An Accident

With medical bills being one of the biggest expenses in an accident, it is smart to have an insurance policy that covers medical bills for you or your passengers. This can include coverages such as Personal Injury Protection (PIP) and Medical Payments (MedPay).

Personal Injury Protection (PIP) - This type of coverage will cover medical expenses and lost wages for you and your passenger in the event of an accident, no matter whose fault it is. This could be required if you live in a no-fault state.

Medical Payments - This type of coverage is similar to PIP, but is offered if you don’t live in a no-fault state.

If You Need A Rental Car If Your Car Is In The Shop After An Accident

If you do not have an alternate mode of transportation and would be without a ride in the event your vehicle has to stay in the shop after an accident, you might need Rental coverage. Rental coverage helps cover the cost of a rental car while your vehicle is in the shop being repaired from an accident.

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